We must get US masses to care about Israel - opinion

Published date09 April 2024
Publication titleJerusalem Post, The: Web Edition Articles (Israel)
Actually, most Americans don't really care about anything that doesn't directly involve them, so not caring about Israel and the Middle East is par for the course. Americans suffer from malaise. They are consumed by malaise

Malaise is not a modern American malady. As far back as July 15, 1979, then-president Jimmy Carter, via television, delivered his now famous "Malaise" speech. He spoke of a moral and an economic crisis, a crisis spreading across the United States, a crisis of confidence, of economics, and of spirit.

Today's malaise is worse. Americans simply do not care.

Masses in the US don't care about Israel or world events

Judging by the media coverage of late, one might think that support for Israel is eroding quickly. The truth is that interest is eroding only with the few who care enough to pay attention to world events in the first place. When watching the media we don't take into account the masses who, from the start, never cared. The masses are simply disinterested – not only in the Israel issue but in every other issue as well.

Americans suffer from a lack of interest. They suffer from a general sense of ennui. Sure, some get excited about sports or music. Others about new movies, new books, or new restaurants, but even that is waning.

Think about the war between Russia and Ukraine. Once front and center, it is now a back-burner issue. It is as back burner as it can get in the minds of the average American. Stop people on the street and you will learn that an astounding number of people don't even realize that it is still being waged.

Many people, especially young people, get their news from comedy shows. Once upon a time, late-night comedy shows, those hosted by Johnny Carson, Jay Leno, David Letterman, and Jon Stewart were watched live. Today, they are most often watched at the convenience of the watcher on YouTube or X. The immediacy is gone. Fast forwarding provides the ability to skip segments that are not relevant to their lives. New information does not reach their consciences.

There are, of course, supporters of Israel. There are those who care, who read every report that comes out, who watch every news program they come across. Those who seek out websites and briefings, who search for coverage that does not vilify Israel. They are the people who are involved, trying to push back against the lies and...

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