Passover basket survey: The most expensive to the most profitable

Published date10 April 2024
Publication titleJerusalem Post, The: Web Edition Articles (Israel)
While many families in Israel enter a race against time to ensure that their homes and holiday tables are ready for the celebration, there is one tradition that cannot be given up - a prudent consumer check. The preparations for Passover are characterized by a number of prominent ways, where first and foremost is the halachic need to remove hametz from the house and thorough cleaning (at least among most families), which leads to an increased consumption of cleaning and organization products

In addition, the desire to renew and turn the house into a place of festive reception also encourages, among other things, the purchase of new items for the home, such as new dishes and tablecloths. And of course, no less important than cleaning and new dishes, is the increased consumption of food for the holiday. The food chains offer a wide selection of kosher products for Passover, poultry and fish, wine and other vegetables.

In recent years, the growing awareness of the Israeli public to advance holiday shopping is evident. This, in order to deal with the increase in prices and avoid pressures and burdens at the last minute. This trend reflects the understanding that early planning and preparation can lead to significant savings in time and money, while maintaining the level of celebration and joy. The careful planning of shopping for the holiday is an integral part of wise consumption, examine the prices in the various chains alongside the supply and understand where you can find the most profitable purchase.

In the inspection of the baskets conducted in preparation for Passover, shopping baskets were examined that include a wide variety of different products, about 204 items, among which you can find fresh and frozen vegetables and fruits, fresh chicken products, fish, soups and sauces, basic cooking products, a variety of preserves, a selection of wines and soft drinks , dairy products and their substitutes, hygiene and care products, and of course a basket of cleaning and washing materials as per the best tradition.

The basket test was carried out among 7 leading marketing chains with the aim of locating the most profitable and cheapest basket and thus reflecting the rising price gap between the...

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