
Appendix 1: Compensation offered to the Negev Bedouin A comparative view

For the last 30 years, since 1975, the government has been pushing the Bedouin to settle the question of title to the lands on which they live. Most of the Bedouin have not taken up the government's proposals. One of the reasons for this is the low level of compensation offered by the government.

The Bedouins' stubbornness can perhaps be explained by a comparison between the compensation that they are offered with that offered in other instances by the government. We have opted for a comparison between three sets of compensation-based arrangements offered in recent years, as follows:

(i) compensation offered to the Bedouin pursuant to the most up-to-date ILA decision, No. 1028, of May 2, 2005;

(ii) compensation offered to the Jewish settlers evacuated from the Gaza Strip;

(iii) compensation offered by the Trans-Israel highway company to farmers from an Arab village in the Sharon area, whose lands were expropriated in order to build Road No. 6.

Compensation offered to the Bedouin pursuant to Israel Land Administration (ILA) decision No. 1028

The compensation offered to the Bedouin consists of two parts: compensation for the land, and compensation for the buildings in which they live or work. The government is not offering the Bedouin compensation for loss of income or special compensation for owners of businesses. As far as moving expenses are concerned, the government is offering families a moving grant on condition that the overall compensation they receive does not exceed NIS 100,000. There is also a moving grant of NIS 5,000 for singles moving from an "unrecognized" village to a "recognized" locality.

As far as compensation for land is concerned, it must be remembered that Bedouin claim title to the lands both within the "recognized" Bedouin localities and in the "unrecognized" villages. The Israeli government offers different compensation for each of these two categories of land. As can be seen from the figures below, in both cases, the arrangement involves renouncing most of the lands to which the Bedouin claim ownership.

For land in the "unrecognized" villages, the government is offering compensation in the form of land amounting to 20% of the area claimed by the Bedouin, but only in cases where the claim involves over 400 dunams (an area occupied by a minority only), and only if at least half of this area can be cultivated. For Bedouin households with smaller land holdings, the government is offering lower compensation: between NIS 1,100 and NIS 3,000 per dunam for land actually used by the Bedouin, and compensation of between NIS 1,600 and NIS 2,000 per dunam for land claimed but not actually in use by the Bedouin.

For land inside a "recognized"...

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